



Quality is very important to us.

When we started with cosmetic treatments in our Health Centre in 2005 we realized that our quality of care had to meet the highest requirements.

Therefore we then asked the regional inspector to visit and advise us. Everything was in order and we could start. In our Health Centre, we have always complied with all requirements for certification, such as the NHG accreditation and Hazo 24. These have always been granted to us. With respect to the injectables,

we have been members of the NVCG, the Dutch Society of Cosmetic Medicine, since it was founded. This association has been commissioned by Minister Schipper in 2012 for the education of cosmetic physicians. This association has also done a profile application for registration of a separate specialisation. Our practice has been certified by the NVCG since 2013. With respect to our surgical treatments we want to continue to comply with all developments regarding standards and requirements, despite our considerable experience. Hence, connection is sought with the NVVCC, the Dutch Association for Cosmetic Surgery. We do everything to keep our care in order. This includes working in accordance with protocol guidelines, good vocational training, verifiable and observable setup appointments with colleagues. For easy access out of hours you will receive a telephone number for 24-hour accessibility.

We are open to criticism to improve our care.

Our quality coordinator is C.L.S.M Stuurman. She is a general practitioner in our centre and has extensive experience in quality, certification, implementation protocols, etc. She is also a profession member of the medical disciplinary tribunal.